Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday: Flight day

Last night I spent some time repacking and prepping for my departure. We had a 6:15 shuttle departure. I got a call at about 4:30 am saying our flight was delayed 3 hours. So I reset my alarm clock and slept a bit more. By 7:30 I was awake and got myself together, called mom on Skype and then got another call saying the flights for the day are cancelled. We still had to catch the 9:15 shuttle to get more per diem money as well as shuttle vouchers. The rain tapered off during the day allowing us to enjoy the park a bit more. The rest of the day was spent eating, bowling, and walking all over town. I didn’t bring a plug adapter so that plus some TimTam cookies were on my shopping list. I have been charging my laptop and composing before I use my allotment of free internet provided by the hotel.
We will try again tomorrow on the same schedule.


Ann said...

What are Tim Tam cookies? Hope your flight has gone by now??? I'm so confused about the time. What day is it there now - my tomorrow? Good luck and bon voyage!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh when you and Cat meet up you have to do a Tim Tam SLAM!! She will show you how, it will change your life!! I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was from me, Kiley Morris

Megan said...

Ann- TimTams are a cookie made of 2 biscuits sandwiched with a variety of flavored fillings and entirely dipped in chocolate. Delicious! A TimTam slam is when you take such a cookie bite off opposite corners(diagonally) and use the cookie in a straw like fashion "drinking" a hot beverage of your choice. The filling melts into your mouth as you "drink" and the whole cookie melts/crumbles into your hand and you have to eat it quickly.

Kiley- I am very familiar with TimTam slams! I had a bit of an obsession with TimTams when I lived in Australia.