Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The first week on the ice

So today is my first day off and I am so ready for it! I slept in until 10 this morning and it felt great.
A recap of the week...
We arrived Tuesday evening and I got settled(pictures and info in the previous post). Then Wednesday I worked from 8-6 which included alot of information and quick tour around the base then some hands on stuff. My normal schedule is 11am-9pm except for Sundays when we have brunch so our schedule is moved up an hour to 10-8. Our days are scheduled into blocks by our leads(supervisor like folks) so our time includes a mix of tasks to avoid boredom and repetitive motion injuries. The day includes some mix of doing dishes, washing pots and pans, refilling food(either hot food or cold food and desserts), cleaning and deep cleaning, and prep of milk, juice, or helping the cooks. We also have mandatory stretch breaks, meal breaks, and other short breaks in our day.
We have gotten in 2 flights since I arrived and the new folks are going through the same training. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on where things go and when to do them. Still learning little things that seem to change.
My free time has been spent at my new favorite place, the Coffee House, which is currently only open in the evenings but has a great ski lodge type feel and is usually a bit quieter. They also serve wine and limited other alcoholic drinks. I also spent parts of Saturday night(the night off before the day off for almost everyone else on base) at the two bars, Southern and Galagers. The gerbil gym is in the next building and I have been in to use the elliptical etc.
I live in the main building(Building 155) which is great for my morning commute, all inside!  In our time off we can walk around in slippers and not worry about the elements outside. The lounge in this building is directly above my room which has proven to be a bit annoying due to the thinness of the walls.
Well, thats all I have for now. Hopefully I will be able to get out and take some pictures. The weather has been a bit varied since I arrived and today isn't looking too nice out.
Oh and if you're interested in sending me mail or a package please email me and I will send you my address.


Tina said...

holy crap this is so awesome! Nic and I will be following your blog, and will happily send you some mail if you promise us a post card :)

Sherpa Tom said...

I hope you brought your white noise machine with you and that it works to drown out the noise so you can sleep.

After reading about that woman marooned at the South Pole after having a stroke, it makes me realize just how remote Antarctica is. Here in the USA, we take for granted the ability to get medical care - not so where you are at McMurdo, nor at other locations in Antarctica.

Ben Ware said...

Is there a way to put a widget showing the time of day there?

Glad you are using the gerbil gym :)

Megan said...

Tina- I'll send you a post card and a christmas card! i love getting mail!

Dad- I don't have a white noise machine. Sleeping hasn't really been a problem. I've gotten about 9 hours a night. It's been great!

Ben- I'll work on a widget. It's the same as New Zealand. FYI.

John U Lee said...

Must be a heat wave.... 5f!!

Anonymous said...

How does the pay compare to Edelweiss?

Megan said...

Dining attendant pay is about $400/week. we work currently five 11 hour days and one 5 hour day. it's alot more dish washing than edelweiss but similar idea.