Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fata Morgana

What the heck is a fata morgana? According to the Wiki... a Fata Morgana is an unusual and very complex form of mirage, a form of superior mirage, which, like many other kinds of superior mirages, is seen in a narrow band right above the horizon.
This afternoon I was told to quickly go outside and look at the mountains across the sea ice. What did I see but a mirage that looked like a butte at the base of the mountains. I didn't have my camera handy but Kira came through once again...
If you look where the white snow of the sea ice meets the darker mountain formation you can see a long rectangular thing which is the mirage.
So cool!


Sherpa Tom said...

Very cool indeed. I have never even heard of a fata morgana, much less seen or photograph one. Must add that to my bucket list.

Sherpa Tom said...

I have never even heard of a fata morgana, much less seen or photographed one. Clearly, seeing a fata morgana needs to be added to my bucket list. Very cool. Thanks for educating me about this.

Patty said...

"the fairy shapeshifting half-sister of King Arthur, is a very complex superior mirage..." with Celtic origins!!

Patty said...


Patty said...
i especially like the 2 mishapenned icebergs in the 2nd photo!!