Monday, November 15, 2010

13 months later...

So last night was my last night of work at Edelweiss and I've had lots of people asking me what did I wish I knew before that I know now. So I've been thinking and here's what I've come up with...
1. Make a budget for yourself. Figure out how much to spend on food each month, how much you can spend on clothes, etc so that you can have enough money to travel.
2. Don't buy too many things because it is hard and expensive mailing home lots of boxes and suitcases.
3. Watch what you eat and drink... be careful shopping for yourself and of staff cafe. Exercise.
4. Buy things second hand to help save money. People are leaving all the time, talk to them and buy stuff off of them.
5. Use as many of the free resources as you can. Request movies from the library rather than paying to rent at the PX.
6. Research trips ahead of time and double check dates before you click confirm! And don't forget your passport! (Sorry Elizabeth!)
7. Enjoy Garmisch, it's a beautiful town with alot to offer... you just have to search sometimes.

Other notes and ideas...
Calling in sick when you aren't... isn't worth it. Someone will see you and tell and it will come back to bite you. Plus you are just screwing over your co-workers.
Get to know someone from every department because if you need help with something you have a person to contact. Know who the bosses are so you don't make yourself look like a fool.
Be careful what you post on Facebook! From pictures of you doing questionable things to negative comments about your boss or co-workers, just don't. It makes you look bad.
If you have an idea on how to make something better let your boss know. Not only will it make you look good, something might get done.
Be careful of what you say to people. Whether at work or in the Abrams. This place is a gossip mill and word will travel. Also guests can hear alot more than you think so if you're going to complain about them do it far enough away that they don't hear.

So in summary Edelweiss isn't perfect and it has it's issues. I have learned that first hand. But it is still a job that you can put on your resume and you should take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered. Your specific job may not be the most glamorous but guess what, that's life.
Travel, and learn from your experiences. Grow as a person. Mature into a worldly citizen. Appreciate the soldiers and remember that freedom isn't free.

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