Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday the 13th and another 13...

So Friday the 13th was an interesting one for us at work. During breakfast I was hustling around as usual trying to make sure everything was stocked and cleaned and not run into a guest at the same time. A woman pointed out that there was water coming out from the cabinet below the coffee makers. We have 2 giant coffee makers and a hot water dispenser in Market Station that are about 15 feet away from the doors that exit to the lobby. I realize that it's something to do with the pipes and not the actual makers so I run in back and find Fred, our manager and acting shift leader. He was doing the order for the day and I said, "Fred, there's water coming out of the coffee maker!" He thought it was just a trickle or something. I ran and got a mop and bucket. I come out with the mop and he's standing there on his cell trying to get some help before he runs off to try and turn off the water and find a plumber. So there I am in the middle of the restaurant at about 9 am mopping an ever increasing flood of water. Luckily I'm a scuba instructor so I'm good with water(the running joke) so I just kept mopping to try and make a path for the guests to walk around the flood. Finally the water was turned off(granted we then had no hot water and would soon run out of coffee) and the giant wet vacuums showed up. The manager or head of almost every department in the resort was standing there watching the clean up. Then it was realized that the water had not only gone into the lobby but leaked down through the floor and was dripping in the game/casino room down stairs. More fun! So we got it cleaned up with the help of maintenance and housekeeping and our day went on. Fred now understands that when I speak about water it's not a trickle, I'm serious. :-)  That was more than enough excitement for us for one day.
On another note, Justin's package of sheets and toiletries arrived in the mail yesterday and he will be getting here in 13 days! 

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