Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Volatile Volcano

So I've been getting some questions about how the Iceland Volcano has been impacting my life. So far personally I haven't had any issues. The air is fresh, the sky(other than the rain) is clear, nothing is gray. My roommate and friend went on a trip last week to Scotland and have been stuck there for a week and counting. My mom and brother were supposed to fly to Sweden on Saturday but are still in the States. So people around me have had their plans disrupted. The restaurant that I work at is closing for dinner for a few nights because the occupancy rates have dropped because so many people can't get here. This doesn't really impact me because I usually only work mornings. The only other thing I can think of is that our mail is flown in so we haven't gotten anything new. So that's about that. Life goes on.

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