Friday, July 10, 2009

Scuba Certifications

So this is week 5 of my teaching scuba here at Sea Base and all is going well. This week my crew already watched all the videos before they came, finished the knowledge reviews, and learned how to use the dive tables so we are flying. Today we only have to do 3 pool dives which won't take long but I'll find stuff for them to do. It has been extremely hot with temps around 90 and the heat index regularly over 105. We haven't had the massive rain fall in a few weeks that caused flooding. No hurricanes yet(knock on wood!). I've met more friends and am having a blast. I think that I might take a week off from certifications and just Divemaster otherwise it's the same routine until mid August. Well, gotta go check to see if the dorms are clean then to the pool.


Sherpa Tom said...

No hurricanes - yet! Here in New England we forget that it is Hurricane Season in Florida. However, after having the wettest June on record, we have a sense of what it could be like.

Ben Ware said...

How about storms today capsizing??