Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Me and the new mask. I kind of feel like saying "Luke, I am your sister."
The fins are amazing as well. The ability to essentially not even worry about your fins is great! You just put them on, put the rest of your gear on, get in the water and start kicking! Then with two quick clicks the fins are out of the way and you can get out of the water with ease! I wish I thought of it first!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Kapitol Reef Snorkels are here!

Don't know how a Kapitol Reef Snorkel works? Check out this animation to learn all about it.
Here are some of the benefits that set these snorkels apart from others in the industry:
- Regulates Exhalation Pressure
- Maintains lung volumes
- Separates inhaled air from exhaled carbon dioxide
- Stays amazingly dry
- Reduces snorkel panic
- Perfect for all experience levels and ages

Sunday, November 18, 2007
More New Divers!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My Aussie Adventures Featured on UQ's Website
Check it out at... http://www.cms.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=70025
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
We're BACK!!

Joe and Tom got certified to service and repair TUSA regulators and SpareAIR. Joe is now officially able to service OceanReef full face masks. Joe and I are now Mares Master Lab certified, and all of us are PSI/PCI Visual Tank Inspectors. We also learned about MANY new products and collected some t-shirts, pens, and keychains along the way.

We will be getting in some new products soon that we checked out and ordered while we were there. Check back or stop in to see the new stuff!
Oh and just to add to it, while Joe and I were trapped in class from 8am-7pm Tom went to a seminar at the last minute and entered a drawing. Little did he know that he'd win the grand prize... 7 nights, all dives, breakfast and dinner in St. Lucia at Anse Chastenet Resort! Congrats to Tom!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Headed South
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A few congratulations!
Steve also has done all the paperwork and taken the test for his rescue certification, so Congrats to the new Rescue Diver! We hear that Divemaster and maybe instructor certifications may be in his future!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Rescue Diver Class
Joe T., Rob and I took turns being victims that needed rescuing, while Steve, Joe G. and Kari worked hard to save us. Check out some pictures of the students in action below!

Now the students just have to take the final exam and they will be official.
Check back for congratulatory notes!
Let's go diving!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Underwater Digital Cameras
Stop by to see some of the pictures taken with the cameras displayed around the store.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Atomic Aquatics
Some reviews include...
The T2 regulator:
"There’s only one regulator in this year’s contest that falls in the Over $500 category, and oh what a reg it is. This powerhouse reg smashed all previous records for low work of breathing on the ANSTI simulator and for in-water performance, collecting more Excellent scores than any regulator we’ve tested." SCUBA DIVING Magazine, JUNE 2005
The SS1 BCD Inflator Hose Alternate Regulator:
"To accomplish this, Atomic Aquatics' engineers started with a low-profile elliptical case designed to lie flat against a BC, then added oversized, contoured controls. On the inside, they used the same technologies and materials as on their high-end primary regulators, fabricating corrosion-resistant components from a combination of titanium, zirconium/nickel-plated brass and 316 stainless steel. To enhance airflow, they increased the size of airways and orifices.
No doubt about it, Atomic Aquatics has raised the bar with the SS1, creating the first safe second that really could be compared to a high-performance primary. And the best news: it will fit on most any brand of BC, thanks to a unique adapter device." Sport Diver Magazine - August 2003
"Smoke on the Water" Split Fin:
"This impressive new fin gets its name from the smoky transparent panels on its long split blades. They are a bit more flexible than previous versions of the Atomic Splitfin, but still generated the highest thrust measurement of all the fins in this review. The Smoke on the Water fins also tied for the fastest speed score among open-heel fins and slashed through the slalom course with a top-three performance. In ergonomic tests, it was one of only two open-heel fins to earn an Excellent rating from test divers for Acceleration, and it also earned the highest score possible for ease of donning and doffing, thanks to the new spring straps with oversized finger grip. Firm rubber rails produce great power with little effort and provide stability with all kick styles.The reviews speak for themselves! Stop in and check out all the new Atomic products!
TEST DIVER COMMENTS 'The perfect balance of comfort, speed and maneuverability'... 'An all-around great fin made better with the spring strap'... 'Power and control: What more can you say?'
BOTTOMLINE The numbers and the comments speak for themselves, as did the consensus of test divers in naming this fin a Testers’ Choice among open-heel split fins."
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Northeast Dive News

Stop in and purchase your own copy of these issues or sign up for a year long subscription and get 50% off the subscription price!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Where has the time gone?
So far my classes seem good. It's a bit of a switch from Australia where we didn't have homework for each class period. I've gotten all of my textbooks. $370 bucks or so. one of the books includes simulation software which has a floppy disk in it. It was odd because I haven't seen a disk like that in years. Hopefully I'll find a computer that has a sloppy disk drive so I can use it!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Looking good!
I've been working on some new displays recently. The Shaka Shoes have a snazzy new home and some good looking signage to go with it. Hopefully we will get in the new regulators soon and I can finish that display. That is if we can find the time.
Things have been busy at the shop and we are working on some more eLearning certifications!
Congrats to the new PADI Open Water Divers!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More cold water diving
After diving I met Joe's wife, Mary, and we had dinner and then returned the boat. The three of us and the dog, Molly, went out for ice cream and a tour around the Lower Lake. Upon returning to Joe's house we met a Great Dane. The contractor working on the house next door had brought his dog along. I don't know that I'd ever been that close to a Great Dane and when he puts his 125+ pounds of weight against you, you better be ready! :-) Sweet dog though.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Farewell to the Donellis
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Back in Lake Champlain
We've been very busy at Pleasure Divers, and I've been working hard. Today we were so busy that I didn't get to eat lunch. It's good for the shop to be getting the business, but I'd also like a few minutes to sit and eat.
I've been running the compressor for almost 2 hours every day this week. I'm to the point were I'm not scared to use it. The next task will be blending Enriched Air. That could take a while!
In the past few weeks we've managed to strip the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom, paint it yellow, sand, stain, and polyurethane the vanity cabinet, and install the new GFCI outlet, new light fixture, towel bars, and pictures. It turned out great. We also pressure washed the deck and paint/stained it with 2 coats of gray. This place is really shaping up!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Going Back In Time
Monday, June 11, 2007
True Story
Living in Brisbane for the past 4 months I've seen the Story Bridge many times. I'd always hears about the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb but have yet to do it. When I heard about a bridge climb right here I decided I had to do it.
The day after I got back from Cairns I was off to climb the biggest bridge in Brisbane! I paid my student rate online and had my confirmation printout in hand when I arrived at the HQ of the Story Bridge Adventure Climb.

The bridge is 1,072 meters long from the southern to northern anchor piers and the Bridge’s summit is 74 meters to ground, similar in height to a 22-story building. Currently the bridge is repainted every 7 years using 17,500 litres of paint. I don't think I'd enjoy that job! The approx 1.5 km climb route takes you over the(on average) 70,000 cars cross the bridge everyday. There are more than 1100 stairs climbed up or down during the entire 2 1/2 hour journey. The road on the bridge is called the Bradfield Highway, and is the shortest highway in Australia. It is not to be confused with the Bradfield Highway that spans the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The weather cooperated and the rain stopped overnight and cleared enough for an amazing 360 view. There were 8 others climbing besides me in our group, including two men using gift certificates for their 60th birthdays. I was the only foreigner and definitely the youngest in the group. Still had an absolute blast and made a great way to wrap up my time in BrisVegas.
Cameras aren't allowed on the climb, but I purchased a paper copy of 3 of the shots they took which I hope to scan in at some point soon. To get an idea the 1 minute promotional video from their website can be found at... http://storybridgeadventureclimb.com.au/download/storybridge_1min.mov

Frame worthy

Ardeadoris egretta nudibranch
Inside a giant clam

Video Clip of John and Michele swimming along
Into the Blue
My trip to
My adventure started on June 2nd with the first time I'd been to the
Sunday morning I was up as the sun was rising to meet the van from ProDive Cairns that picked me up just after 6 am. The van driver was one of the instructors that would be on the boat with us. After a few more stops to pick up others, we all unloaded at ProDive’s downtown location. We sorted out bags, gear, and other last minute details before loading everything back up again and driving out onto the pier to board the boat. Breakfast was waiting for us when we boarded the boat and after a few minutes of getting to know people, room and "safety number" assignments were given out. I shared room 14, which was on the lower level(meaning no ocean view) with Josee, age 22, from
We took in the views of the mountains that surround
We did the usual sign your life away paperwork, got changed, and jumped in for our first dive around 11am. The area of Milln Reef that we were on was called Petaj and when I asked there wasn’t a consensus of what that means or where it came from. We surfaced and from there on out it was either dive, eat, or sleep!
Lunch was next and then dive two around 2:30 at the same site, but going out in a different direction. The boat them moved to the section of Milln called The Whale, which because of the coral formation the waves crashing give the illusion of a whale’s blow hole. We dove here at 4:30, had dinner and then after watching the sunset did a night dive around 7:30. We wrapped up the night by looking at some of the pictures that I had taken, watching parts of a Blue Planet documentary and having a snack before bed.
Monday morning we were woken up at 6:45 to make sure we were mostly functional by 7:30 for the first dive of the day. Breakfast was ready by the time we dried off and we motored over to a section of Flynn Reef called
I managed to do all 11 dives on the trip and took my camera on ever dive. Over all I took more than 400 pictures which I transferred to my laptop between dives. It was great to share them with people on the boat and in case I do start to forget, I have it well documented.
The group was made up of mostly people traveling around
After the trip we carried on the ProDive tradition to go out for drinks on the evening of our return and had a great time exchanging contact info and taking a few more pictures to remember the fun times. Wednesday morning I made my way to the airport and flew back to
I selected some of the 400+ pictures I took. They can be found at the links below. The title of the album has the site, date, and dive number(s) in it followed by the link and the number of pictures in the album.
The GBR Part 1- June 3rd Cairns & Milln Reef- 'Petaj' Dives 1 & 2
# of pictures: 59
The GBR Part 2- June 3rd & 4th "The Whale" Dives 3, 4 & 5
# of pictures: 48
The GBR Part 3- June 4th Flynn Reef "Tennis Court" Dive 6
# of pictures: 35
The GBR Part 4- June 4th & 5th "Gordons" Dives 7, 8 & 9
# of pictures: 56
The GBR Part 5- June 5th "Coral Gardens" Dive 10
# of pictures: 32
The GBR Part 6- June 5th "Coral Gardens" Dive 11
# of pictures: 52
Cairns and drinks with my new friends
# of pictures: 18
Also a good place to get a better perspective of where the dive sites are is at the following link… http://www.prodive-cairns.com.au/divesites.html
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Playing Catch up
The purpose of the
side of the river. Curious, I walked across the bridge and explored the festivities. I didn’t actually see much in the way of celebrating Buddha’s birthday. There were many tents with people selling souvenir type items and various foods, as well as a mini climbing wall and a Ferris wheel. Unimpressed by the lack of actual celebrating Buddha I went to the nearest ferry terminal and as I was waiting for the next ferry arrived there was an impressive fireworks display and I had a perfect viewing spot. So, I watched the fireworks and minutes after it ended the ferry came and away I went. In reading online later I found out the traditional events of “washing” Buddha and others happened during the day, so I missed it.
Well, I should have more on my live aboard trip and the Story Bridge climb posted soon.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Lady Elliot Island and Great Barrier Reef Pics
Wednesday morning after breakfast I went diving on the east side of the island, and the instructor and divemaster were glad to have me along as another set of eyes. The pictures really speak for themselves. The diversity of coral and creatures was amazing and it was hard to take it all in, especially since it was a drift dive and slowing down was really up to mother nature. For each dive we set up our gear at the dive shop and loaded it onto a trailer which was pulled by a tractor, we rode in a golf cart(with the steering wheel on the left side, not the right) to the lighthouse beach, put our gear on and walked to the boat, which depending on the tide meant the edge of the beach, or tip toeing through the coral which with the added weight of SCUBA gear was rather interesting. The waters were calm which made for a smooth boat ride, not that we ever were on the boat for more than 10 minutes. Between dives we had plenty of time to rinse off, recharge camera batteries, read, relax, eat a nice lunch, and meet back again for the second dive of the day. To get an idea of where the dive sites were click here for the map.
Wednesday dive 1- Drift dive from Tubes to Blow Hole. 2- Severence Wreck to Three Pyramids.
Thursday 1- Blow Hole to Hiro’s Cave. 2- Spiders Ledge towards Maori Wrasse Bommie.
Wednesday night we got to hold some turtle hatchlings and then release 6 of them which are the mostly dark pictures. Definitely a cool experience! Thursday was more diving and then we saw a slideshow of pictures from our group and the other group from our class that came 4 days prior to our trip. After that when we were walking back to our rooms we nearly stepped on 20-30 turtle hatchlings that were confused by the resort lights. So we collected them in the bucket pictured and were on our way to release them when we found 20-30 more again around a light on the walkway. This time we only had one flashlight and the light from the screen on my digital camera to guide the turtles into the water. Helping with that release was the most rewarding experience of the trip. Seeing the merely days old hatchlings going for their first big swim into the ocean was amazing. Through out the rest of the night about 10-15 more turtles were found, confused by the light and the resort staff took them to be released. It was sad that for an “eco resort” that has been there since 1985 and had hatchings happen every year that they hadn’t done anything to prevent the poor turtles from being mislead. A simple shade like structure on the
On Friday morning we went for one last snorkel before we had to be out of our rooms and fly back. This is when I saw my first ever manta ray. We also saw 2 eagle rays, one missing a good part of its tail. Well, and then there was all the coral and the thousands of other fish too! Showers and packing until lunch, then a group picture and the first group took off, and I sat at the bar relaxing until my flight at 2. We took a larger plane back. By larger I mean this time about 12 other people were on the plane! Then the bus ride back and the adventure was over. Overall I’d have to say that was one of the coolest trips, let alone field trips for a class, that I’ve ever taken. I certainly won’t forget it any time soon!
Check out the pictures. They are divided up into air and land shots, and then 2 albums of underwater. It was hard to select which ones to post out of the approx 400 that I took! Also below is the link for the resort’s website. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Adventures of Finding Nemo
Check out the album, Finding Nemo.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Groynes, Training Walls, and Sand Bypass System
Check out the album.
Looking back now on the first half of the semester I think it’s very interesting how I'm taking 4 classes from 3 different schools and they are all so interrelated. Things I learn in one are backed up in another. Maybe I really was right when I designed my major! :-)
Cheers! Megan
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Kookaburras, Koalas & Kangaroos

Monday, March 19, 2007
Moreton Bay Research Station
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Adventures around Brisbane
Same album as first set. Page 2 has new pictures of the city center and Australian Money
City Botanical Gardens, City Hall, and Parliament House
Mt Coot-Tha Botanical Gardens and Lookout
Friday, March 2, 2007
Oz thus far
My flat-mate(the guy I rent my room from) is Qing(pronounced like Ching) is from
and do laps at the pool with them after the BBQ/meetings for the next few weeks.
I hear some of you in the north east are in for some snowy weather. I hope you don't get buried again. I'll be thinking of you in my shorts with a heat index around 95!